Ethno Mobility Grant
Ethno New Zealand is part of the global Ethno network by JM International. Ethno gatherings exist all over the world and many young musicians visit multiple events in different countries. To help emerging musicians to experience another Ethno youth music gathering abroad, build networks and engage in cultural exchange, the Ethno Mobility Grants by Ethno World and Margaret A Cargill Philanthropies (MACP) provide several scholarships per year for young New Zealanders to travel to others Ethnos as well as for musicians from abroad to join Ethno New Zealand. Are you interested to learn more about our mobility grants? Get in touch!
Scholarship Recipients

Maia Ruaporo & Tipene Kidwell
Ethno Sweden 2024
With support from the Ethno World Grant and Ethno Sweden's efforts to strengthen indigenous capabilities within the Ethno Network, Maia, Tipene, and Lorna Rikihana traveled to Sweden in July 2024 to attend two significant events. The first was the Sami Midsummer celebration in Ankarede, followed by Ethno Sweden in Rättvik. This cultural exchange brought together rangatahi musicians from the Sami (Sweden), Ojibwe (USA), and Māori (Aotearoa) communities, fostering connections through music and shared indigenous heritage.

Jeremy Hantler
2017/Ethnofonik 2018/2022
In July 2022, Jeremy, a member of our Ethno whānau, traveled to Europe to strengthen our connection with the global Ethno movement and bring a fresh perspective to the organization. Under the sunny skies of Banyoles, Catalonia, experienced artistic mentors gathered to share music, ideas, and excitement as Ethno evolves into a powerful force for positive change. Alongside this 'Artistic Mentor Think-up,' the Jeunesses Musicales annual conference also allowed participants to experience a 'mini Ethno,' where we left a strong impression with our enthusiasm and concert.
Jeremy returned inspired, ready to help our organization grow, connect people to international opportunities, and expose our rangatahi to the life-changing Ethno kaupapa. Jeremy has represented us at Ethno Sweden in 2017 as a chaperone for rangatahi and, with the support of Creative New Zealand, completed the Ethnofonik training for future artistic mentors in 2018, learning the unique non-formal learning methodology of the movement.

Ethno Sweden 2022
Henry was the recipient of an Ethno Mobility Grant this year heading over to the birth place of the Ethno Movement.
UPDATE: Henry is now living in Sweden doing his Nordic Masters Degree :-)

Sam Loveridge
Ethno India 2020
Everybody at the camp was enthusiastic, friendly and inquisitive and there was so much great music, from impromptu jam sessions to a really diverse set of tunes that we played for the recording. I’d recommend this experience to any musician who has some connection to music from their culture as a great opportunity!

Cassandra Bahr
Ethno Solomon Island 2019
I'm so grateful for working with so many superb musicians, and learning about cultures I previously knew little about. Definitely recommend Ethno Solomons to anyone interested in going to an Ethno in a completely different place to their home country!

Adam Young
Ethno Australia 2019
Adam has been to two Ethno New Zealand world music gathering and he has gifted his humility, kindness and considerable musical talent to both. We are very happy to offer Adam a scholarship to attend Ethno Australia 2019. Adam will share his world view with those in Australia and will no doubt return with some awesome ideas and skills to bolster his professional career back here in Aotearoa.

Oliver Brahma
Ethno Estonia 2019
Oliver attended our first Ethno NZ in 2018, and in 2019 he was the Youth leader. Oliver grew up in the folk scene in New Zealand with his roots firmly in the English and Irish traditional music. Currently he is studying composition at Auckland University. Oliver is a musician that honours his musical background as well as seeking new inspiration from other cultures and traditions.

Rachel Evans
Ethno Sweden 2019
Receiving a Mobility Grant to travel to Ethno Sweden 2019 was a phenomenal gift. As a full time student, I would not have been able to make the trip otherwise. Having had my first Ethno experience in January this year at Ethno NZ, I was curious to travel to the oldest and largest Ethno where it all started in Sweden.

Whetu-Marama Rikihana & Isaac Kirkwood-Smith
Ethno Sweden 2017
For the first time EVER Aotearoa was represented at Ethno Sweden. Whetu-Marama Rikihana, Isaac Kirkwood-Smith & Jeremy Hantler traveled over to Scandinavia to participate in the oldest and biggest Ethno camp in the world. Together with around 100 participants from all over the globe they shared their music and learnt from the others. This exchange was made possible due to the generosity of Ethno Sweden who sponsored the flights and accommodation for all three participants.